Engleza, întrebare adresată de danadayd34, 9 ani în urmă

As dori sa fac o mica descriere despre o persoana pe care o admir.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Andasipunct
I love her. She is so.... beautyful, Nice, clever and her smile is magic.
Her voice is very Nice, and I feel... happy when I see her.
Her close is... I don t care.
She helped my anytime with my homework at math. Is a Little Einstein.
Amd when she make me angry, I feel lucky because and the best friends are fight, and the next Day are happy...
she is... my... crush :P
Răspuns de itstarra
Since i was little i have admired my sister. She is with 3 years older than me.
She's a beautiful person out and inside. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile. She is volunteer at a Children's house amd she likes animals. I love her and I hope i will be like her: a beautiful person with a beautiful soul.

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