Engleza, întrebare adresată de madamviktotia, 10 ani în urmă

As dori si eu o compunere in limaba engleza despre anotimpul preferat???

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

    My favourite season is winter. I love  winter gloomy late afternoons, when, beyond my window I watch the silver snowflakes falling from the cotton clouds and dancing quietly on their way to the ground. Magnificent landscape, but also strange, appears below the flood of white flakes. On the branches of the trees stand large piles of snow, like cold silver ornaments. In the white decoration, the branches of the trees, white as well, resemble some ghosts that are outlined in the distance.

    The snow  adorned the houses with a white lace of snow, it snowed up the roads until they lost their last outline. With the layer of snow flowing, a grave of silence buries the surroundings. The only voice in the swarming landscape is that of the wind which whistles a sad song and with a frozen breath it pushes the clouds from side to side.

     When these playful little stars are close to the frozen carpet, they try hard to get up again, but tired with effort they fall slowly and become one with the blanket of snow .Just like  in a story, the moon shows its bright face with fairy glitter, which is reflected from the freshly snowed snow. The queen of the night manages to tame the wind and stops the white fluffy merry-go-round. Proud of her achievement, she admires the enchanting landscape and sends cold rays over the endless white.

      The next morning, the houses adorned with crystalline snow sleep peacefully under the roofs loaded with manatees, and arranged with crystal garlands .You can see the children's noses among the ice flowers trapped on the steamy and cold windows. Cheerful children come out pulling their light sledges, among the snowdrifts, gathered like beads on a necklace.

       Their small steps leave deep traces in the snow layer, and the traces are covered briefly by snowflakes that continue to fall incessantly. Pulled by grandparents, happy with the joy of the children, the sleighs glide smoothly through the snow. Bundled up  and red in the cheeks, the children warmly greet the cold outside and the abundant snow. Their joy  and their smiles seems projected on the surrounding landscape as a whole, so that the whole winter seems to be filled with life and joy.

“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”

                                                                Pietro Aretino

Răspuns de Leonard



Compunere în limba engleză despre anotimpul preferat.


My favourite season

All the seasons are my favourite in their special way: I love summer for the sunshine and for the longest holidays of the year, I like autumn for the yellow, orange, red and green colours of the leaves, I feel excited with the first snowflakes in winter, but when spring comes, my life seems to start all over again.

So, yes! Spring is my favourite season of the four. The first small green leaves of the trees, the first flowers bringing with them wild strong scents to gather joyful butterflies and hard working bees around them, the first smiles on people's faces ... In spring, when nature comes back to life, I enjoy walking in the parks to satisfy my hunger for the fresh warm air and flowers perfume and to sit on a bench to read a good book or simply to watch the children playing happily.

My birthday is in spring, too, and that could be a reason why I love this season. I usually prefer to celebrate it with my friends and family in an open space, for instance at a picnic at the forest, on the shore of the lake, to admire the return of wild ducks from Africa.

We are in March again, spring is back with us, offering us warmth, cherry flowers, birdsongs and I cannot be more happy than that!


Anotimpul meu preferat

Toate anotimpurile sunt preferatele mele în felul lor: iubesc vara pentru lumina soarelui și pentru cea mai lungă vacanță din an, îmi place toamna pentru culoarea galbenă, portocalie, roșie și verde a frunzelor, mă simt emoționat la primii fulgi de zăpadă ai iernii, însă atunci când vine primăvara, viața mea pare să o ia de la început.

Așa încât, da! Primăvara este anotimpul meu preferat din toate cele patru. Primele frunzulițe verzi ale copacilor, primele flori care aduc cu ele arome puternice și sălbatice pentru a aduna în jurul lor fluturi veseli și albine harnice, primele zâmbete de pe fețele oamenilor ... Primăvara, când natura revine la viață, îmi place să mă plimb prin parcuri pentru a-mi satisface pofta de aer proaspăt și călduț și de parfumul florilor și îmi place să stau pe o bancă să citesc o carte bună sau pur și simplu să privesc copiii cum se joacă fericiți.

Și ziua mea este tot primăvara, poate acesta ar fi un motiv pentru care iubesc acest anotimp. De obicei, prefer să îmi sărbătoresc ziua cu prietenii și familia într-un spațiu deschis, de exemplu la un picnic la pădure, pe malul lacului, pentru a admira reîntoarcerea rățuștelor sălbatice din Africa.

Suntem în luna martie din nou, primăvara a revenit, oferindu-ne căldura, florile de cireș, trilul păsărilor și nu pot fi mai fericit de atât!

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