Engleza, întrebare adresată de Robertina17, 9 ani în urmă

As dori si eu un eseu in limba engleza despre "Are video games addictive activities or mind sports?" in 250 de cuvinte .Va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DarkRed
The Video Games are a way to spend our time or a way to learn English. Honestly now, many people have learned English by video games (including me) but they are mind sports. Games like chess, tic-tac-toe( x si 0 ) can develop your mind,your focus,your way to see the world. A study says that the game you play helps you understand the world you live. And that's true. The gamers take the right decision, they are more accurated , more precise, much faster. The gamers are more receptive to what is happening around them.
 A study says that the surgeons who are gamers were 37% fewer errors and terminates surgery 27% faster than their peers.

So, in my opinion I think that the video games are mind sports and a way to
shows how we see and how to understand the world.
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