Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Ask questions about statements.
Anne's tired. Why__________________________________?
I go to work by car.How____________________________?
This pen is mine.Whose ________________________________?
I met a famous actress.Who ________________________________?
Sarah has bought a new car.What sort_______________________________?
We saw Bill yesterday.Where___________________________?
They are going on holiday.Where________________________________?
Peter has left the party.Why_______________________________?
She drank a lot of tea.How much_______________________________?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mayapanda
1. ....is Anne tired?
2.....do you go to work?
3.....pen is this?
4.....did you met?
5....of car did Sarah buy?
6.....did you saw Bill?
6...are they going?
7...did he left?
8. ...tea did she drink?
Alte întrebări interesante