Engleza, întrebare adresată de liudamd, 8 ani în urmă

Ask questions
The concert was great Was the concert great?
en was here yesterday
ga was busy yesterday, -
was cold last week
was eight last year
der the words to make questions
you/ at home/yesterday / Were?
wick/the park/in/Was?
ere/in/they/ the village?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CastraveteMurat2k20


1. Ken was here yesterday - was ken here yesterday?

Olga was busy yesterday - was olga busy yesterday?

it was cold last week - was it cold last week?

I was eight last year - was i eight last year?

2. Were you at home yesterday?

Was nick in the park?

Were they in the village?

Was Ann at the zoo?

Alte întrebări interesante