Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Ask ten questions about your partner's past.Then tell the class at least one interesting fact one interesting fact about your partner.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iamcatdog
1. Where were you born?
2.Have you ever got any pets?
3. Where did you spend your last holiday?
4. What did you get for your birthday last year?
5. Where did you spend Easter 2 years ago?
6. What used to be your favourite colour?
7. Why did you come to this school?
8. Have you ever lived in another city?
9. What was your mother's maid name?
10. Until what hour did you stay awake last night?

An interesting fact about my partner is that he used to live in Craiova.

Utilizator anonim: mersi foarte mult!!!
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