Engleza, întrebare adresată de teodoracazacu2253098, 8 ani în urmă

Ask your classmates the following questions using correct forms of the verbs in
brackets and find out as much as possible about his/her travelling experience.

E.g. 'Have you ever 'flown (fly) by super'sonic plane? 'Where did you go?

a)... you ... (ever, be) to the USA? When ... (be) it?

b) What is the most boring place you ... (visit, ever)? Where ... (be) it?

c) What is the farthest distance you ... (ever, ride)? When ... (be) it?

d) ... you ... (ever, go) boating? When ... (be) it? How ...(be) it?

e) What is the most exciting journey by car you ... (ever, make)? Who ...you (go) with?​

Dau coroana!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de meli07
a) Have you ever been to the USA? When was it?

b) What is the most boring place you ever visited? Where was it?

c) What is the farthest distance you have ever ridden? When was it?

d) Did you ever go boating? When was it? How was it?

e) What is the most exciting journey by car you ever made? Who did you go with?
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