Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.Incorrect !
No,Mauren Wilcox did not won the lottery, she was duble Wining if she would have put the numebers in reverse ,in fact she was right about the lotery numbers but placed them wrong from Rhode Island she placed the numbers that would have won in Massachusetts and vice versa.
Nu a câștigat la loterie ,castiga la dublu dacă punea numerele inversate ,de fapt a avut dreptate legat de numerele care au ieșit la loterie dar le a pus greșit de la Rhode ....a pus numerele care ar fi câștigat in Massachusetts si vice versa.
2 Incorrect
Dr Wiseman spended over ten years studying luck , he did not spend nearly ten years ,he spended more than ten!.
2 incorect
Dr wiseman a petrecut peste 10 ani studiind norocul, nu a petrecut aproape zece ani,a petrecut mai mult de 10!.
Lucky People behaves different ,they are more possitive and optimistic
3 incorect
Oamenii norocoși se comporta diferit,ei sunt mai pozitivi si optimiști.
4 incorrect
Lucky People,fortunate People meet more often New People than unfortunate ones ,and have New experiences
4 incorect
Oamenii norocoși,oamenii care au succes întâlnesc mai des oameni noi decât cei ghinioniști, si au experiente noi.
5 yes ,correct
The volunteers were all unlucky people and they spend a month doing excersise to act like a Lucky person.
5da ,corect
Voluntarii toti erau ghinioniști si au petrecut o luna făcând exercitii cum ca o pers norocoasa.
6 Incorrect.
Only 80%(eighty procent )of the volunteers ,not all of them,only 80 % were luckyer and more confident.
Doar 80% din Voluntari ,nu toți, doar 80 %erau mai norocoși si mai încrezători