Engleza, întrebare adresată de VitalZeus, 8 ani în urmă

Atenție! Punctaj maxim pentru răspuns corect la 2 exerciții


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de PeakyBlinder

Exercitiul 1:
-had known
-had felt
-had come
-did lose
-had forgotten
-had snown
-had opened
-had heard

Exercitiul 2:
-did not call
-had been
-had left
-had arrived
-had helped
-had become/became
-had made
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Exercise 1.

1. He wishes he was able to do it.
2. I wish I agreed with you.
3. I wish you helped to finish the work tonight.
4. She wished she had known how to sing.
5. You wished you had felt better.
6. Does he wish he was younger?
7. I wish I found the subject more interesting.
8. They wished they had not come with us.
9. I wish I was ready on time.
10. I wish I did not lose the answers.
11. They wished they had not forgotten the appointment.
12. We wish it had snown yesterday.
13. She wished she had not opened the window.
14. I wished I had heard the news.
15. You wish you knew what to do.

Exercise 2.

1. I wish he did not call here now.
2. I wish that you had been here yesterday.
3. We wish we you met tomorrow.
4. She wished you had left earlier.
5. They wished he came with them the next day.
6. We wish you had arrived yesterday before us.
7. I wish that he visited us next year.
8. She wishes she stayed at home now.
9. You wish he had helped you last week.
10. He always wishes he had became rich.
11. She wished she had made arrangements earlier.
12. I wish the weather was warmer now.
13. We always wished we were fluent in other languages.
14. They wish we telephoned them next week.
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