Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mihaelaysc, 9 ani în urmă

B. Put the verbs in the brackets in the right tense:
1. The professor (speak) for 10 minutes when I (enter) the class yesterday.
2. Last night, after John (listen to) the news bulletin, he (go) downstairs to have dinner.
3. He (fish) for two hours but he (catch) nothing yet.
4. We (know) each other for several years.
5. The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I’m tired of it.
6. This time last Sunday, I (watch) a film on TV.
7. While he (learn) to drive last year, he (have) an accident.
8. He usually (drink) coffee but now he (drink) tea.
9. “You (dream) at night?” “Yes, I (dream) every night.”
10. I (not go) shopping today because it (rain).
C. Translate into English:
1. Ce faci? Citesti sau privesti la televizor? 2. Ea merge la cumparaturi sâmbata.
3. Acum imi fac temele la engleza. 4. Ce faceai martea trecuta la ora 7 dimineata?
5. Ma pregateam sa merg la facultate. 6. Ninge de doua ore.
7. “A plecat John?” “Da, a plecat acum o ora.” 8. El e ministru de 2 ani.
9. Fuseseram fericiti impreuna. 10. S-au vazut ultima data cand erau studenti.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de thefreerunner200

Speaks, enterd, listened,went, He's fishing, caught,knew, played, watched, learns, had, drinks, drunk(de drunk nu sunt sigur dacă e buna eu mai degrabă zic drunked), dreamed,dreamed, I didin't, rained. Astea sunt de la B.   C.   What are you doing? Are you reading or watching TV? She goes shopping saturday. Now I'm making my english homeworks. What we're you doing last tuesday at 7o'clock? I was preparing to go to the college. It's snowing,2 hours straight. Did John go? Yes,he went 1 hour ago. He is a 2-years minister. We we're happy togheter.The last time they saw eachother they we're students.

thefreerunner200: Sper ca ti-am fost de folos
thefreerunner200: :D
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