Bine ar fi sa nu fi facut atâtea greseli la lucrarea de control.
Mi-as dori sa incetezi cu zgomotul acela chiar in acest moment.
Mi-as dori sa incetezi sa te mai vaicaresti pentru ca am si eu necazurile mele.
Bine ar fi sa fii mai ordonata!
Ce pacat ca ploua! Daca n-ar ploua, am putea merge la plaja!
Ti-ai dori sa fi fost invitata la petrecerea lui John?
Ce pacat ca nu mai sunt tânar!
As prefera sa te scoli mai devreme.
As prefera sa ma scol mai devreme.
As prefera sa mergi la teatru.
As prefera sa merg la teatru.
E timpul sa-mi inapoiezi banii pe care ti I-am imprumutat.
Era demult timpul sa incepi sa citesti cartile cerute pentru examenul de literatura româna.
E ora 10! Nu crezi ca era demult timpul sa te scoli si sa te apuci de lucru?
Ea arata de parca ar fi manechin.
Vorbesti ca si cum ai fi suparata pe mine.
Ea se poarta cu el de parca ar fi sotul ei.
El mi-a vorbit ca si cum nu se intâmplase nimic intre noi.
Jane si-ar dori sa-mi petrec sfârsitul de saptamâna cu ea.
Stiu ca tu ti-ai dori sa-ti petreci vacanta intr-o tabara, dar eu prefer sa mergi la bunicul, la tara. Sunt cu subjonctivul.
Nu inteleg nimic..
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. It would have been good if you haven't made many mistakes on the test
2.I would like if you stop with that noise right now .
3.I wish you whining because I also got my troubles .
4.It would be nice if you were more organized
5.What a shame it's raining ! If it were not raining, we could go to the beach!
6.You wish to be invited to John 's party ?
7.Too bad i am not young anymore !
8.I would rather you get up early.
9.I would rather get up early.
10.I'd rather you go to the theater.
11.I'd rather go to the theater.
12.It's time to give back the money that I lent you .
13.It was high time to start reading books required for Romanian literature exam .
14.It's 10 o'clock ! Don't you think it was high time to get up and get to work?
15. She looks like a supermodel.
16.You talk as if you are mad at me .
17. ???
18.He spoke to me like nothing happened between us.
19.Jane would like to spend my weekend with her.
20.I know you would rather spend your holiday in a camp , but I prefer if you go to your grandfather in the country.
2.I would like if you stop with that noise right now .
3.I wish you whining because I also got my troubles .
4.It would be nice if you were more organized
5.What a shame it's raining ! If it were not raining, we could go to the beach!
6.You wish to be invited to John 's party ?
7.Too bad i am not young anymore !
8.I would rather you get up early.
9.I would rather get up early.
10.I'd rather you go to the theater.
11.I'd rather go to the theater.
12.It's time to give back the money that I lent you .
13.It was high time to start reading books required for Romanian literature exam .
14.It's 10 o'clock ! Don't you think it was high time to get up and get to work?
15. She looks like a supermodel.
16.You talk as if you are mad at me .
17. ???
18.He spoke to me like nothing happened between us.
19.Jane would like to spend my weekend with her.
20.I know you would rather spend your holiday in a camp , but I prefer if you go to your grandfather in the country.
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