Engleza, întrebare adresată de Paula12Paula00, 8 ani în urmă

În satul Brânduresti, oamenii folosesc transporturile publice, pentru a calatorii : metrouri moderne si autobuze . Stilul de viata al oameniilor este sigur şi uşor. Acest loc se află in partea de Nord a Banatului, toate casele din acest sat sunt supra etajate si au un acoperiș drept. Tot satul este asfaltat cu ciment. Centrul satului este înconjurat cu flori frumoase de primăvară.

Vă rog repede , as vrea sami scrieti toata compunerea asta in engleza !!!!​

maria7282792: Branduresti In the village of Brânduresti, people use public transport to travel: modern subways and buses. People's lifestyle is safe and easy. This place is located in the northern part of Banat, all the houses in this village are above storeys and have a straight roof. The whole village is paved with cement. The center of the village is surrounded by beautiful spring flowers.
Paula12Paula00: mersi!!!
maria7282792: N-ai pentru ce

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maria7282792
Branduresti In the village of Brânduresti, people use public transport to travel: modern subways and buses. People's lifestyle is safe and easy. This place is located in the northern part of Banat, all the houses in this village are above storeys and have a straight roof. The whole village is paved with cement. The center of the village is surrounded by beautiful spring flowers.

Paula12Paula00: mersi mult!!
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