Engleza, întrebare adresată de Iulia425, 9 ani în urmă

Buna! Ajutati-ma si pe mine va rog cu traducerea in engleza a urmatoarelor fraze:
Eu cred ca este un nou concept adus celebrelor povesti cu printi si printese.
Scenariul este unul destul de previzibil si tipic , povestea fiind suficient de intortocheata pentru a nu te plictisi si a nu o intui total.
In incercarea de a-si urmari visul Rapunzel se elibereaza din turn si invata sa traiasca cu adevarat , se descopera pe sine.
Partea amuzanta scoate la iveala 2 personaje extrem de carismatice ,sarea si piperul din acest film: cameleonul intelept , Pascal, care are rol de sfatuitor al printesei si calul Maximus cu puternice insusiri canine, dar si tigaia care intradevar nu este un personaj insa reprezinta la randul ei o aparitie importanta in derularea actiunii si in conturarea comicului de situatie.
Coloana sonora este specifica unui musical , este alcatuita din melodii ce intretin foarte frumos atmosfera de basm foarte bine realizata si finalul fericit intregesc imaginea unei animatii reusite.
Este un film foarte frumos care a reusit sa imbine foarte bine aventura, dragostea si comedia . Constituie o animatie de calitate deoarece are farmec , o multime de momente amuzante, exprima emotie si are si un mesaj puternic , tratand prietenia adevarata, loialitatea, spiritual de aventura, simtul umorului si ambitia urmarii visului.
Filmul mi se pare intr-adevar foarte reusit din toate punctele de vedere si poate fi vizionat si de copii , dar si de adulti cu aceeasi placere, il recomand.

marcela16: i think that is a new concept bring to celebrate stories with prince and princes
marcela16: the script is very an "previzibil " and "tipic " the storie beeing - nu mai știu
marcela16: tryng to follow the dream, Rapunzel get out from the tower to discover her self
marcela16: the funny storie bring two stars very " carismatice " :the smart " cameleon " ,Pascal, who is an advicer to her, prince and Maximus the horse with very powerfull dogs ""însușiri " but also "tigaia," who is trully not an caracter but is also reprezent an important part of action and make funny situation
marcela16: Aia care începe cu coloana sonora nu știu
marcela16: it a very beautiful movie who made combine very well the adventure, love and comedy
marcela16: it bring emotion and a powerfull message "tratând " the true friendship
marcela16: E continuare am trimis din greșeală - loialty, aventures, the homours and the ambition to follow the dream
marcela16: the movie is trully good made from all the "puncte de vedere " and it can be seen by the childrens, also by the adults with the same pleasure, i recomande it
marcela16: gata

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de calitro
I believe it's a new concept brought to the famous stories of princes and princesses. The scenario is quite predictable and common, story being twisted enough so you won't get bored and foresee it all.
Trying to follow his dream, Rapunzel frees herself from the tower and learns how to truly live, discovering herself.
The funny part reveals two extremely charismatic characters, the salt and pepper of this movie: the wise chameleon, Pascal, that has the role of princess' advisor and Maximus, the horse, with powerful canine attributes, as well as the pan, which is not actually a character but represents an important entry during the action and the shaping of the comic situations.
The soundtrack is specific to a musical, being made of songs that maintain the fairy tale story really good and the happy ending strengthen the picture of a well-done animation.
It is a beautiful movie that succeeded to mix together adventure, love and comedy really well. It is a quality animation because it's charming, has a lot of funny moments, expresses a pleasant emotion and has a strong message about living the true friendship, loyalty, adventurous spirit, sense of humor and the ambition to follow the dream.
I find the movie really well-done from all aspects and it can be viewed by kids, as well as adults with the same pleasure - I recommend it.

marcela16: wow
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