Bună . Am de tradus următorul text : About 300 BC the Egyptians were already skilled architects and builders . Stones wighing more than 15 tones were worked with copper tools . Their temples show how vast blocks of stone had to pulled on sledges by gangs of men. Ramps were built and the blocks were pulled up these,again by gangs of men. It was the Egyptians who discovered some of the first principles of the world, such as the pyramids.They were the first hyfraulic engineers by their pipes and canals as well as poineers in the manufacture of glass,brick and pottery . The first counting machine arrived when the stones used previously were replaced by beads threaded on wire. This machine , called an abacus, is still in use todai . As painting and urinting developed , simbols were used to repesent numbers of things and in mani countries the simbol for one became a drawing of an upright finger. At first mani drawings were needed to repesent large nembres , until somewhere in India a new sistem developed using onli ten simbols . Among these was the simbol for zero . This Hindu Arabic system is the one we use today thouhs the drawings have been simplified so that they appear as 0123456789 . The romans wrked out our present calendar nearly 2,000 years ago . They based it on the movements of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth . They gave a solution to the adjustment of the sideral year to the solar .
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Aproximativ in anul 300 i.Hr. egiptenii erau deja arhitecti si constructori priceputi/iscusiti. Pietre ce cantareau mai mult de 15 tone erau prelucrate cu unele din cupru/arama. Templele lor arata/dovedesc cum gramezi mari de pietre erau trase pe sanii* de grupuri/echipe de barbati.Erau construinte rampi si pietroaiele/gramezile erau puse deasupra , tot de grupurile/echipele de barbati.Egiptenii au fost cei care au descoperit cateva din primele principii ale vietii, cum ar fi piramidele.Ei au fost primii ingineri hidraulici datorita conductelor si canalelor lor si pionieri in fabricarea sticlei,caramizii si ceramicii.Prima masina de numarat a sosit atunci cand pietrele folosite anterior , au fost inlocuite de margele filetate pe fire/sarma.Aceasta masinarie , numita abac, se foloseste si astazi.Cum pictura si scrisul au evoluat , s-au folosit simbloru pentru a reprezenta numere sau lucruri si in multe tari , simbolul pentru 1 a devenit un desen al unui deget in pozitie verticala. La inceput a fost nevoie de multe desene pentru a reprezenta numere mari , pana cand undeva in India s-a dezvoltat un nou sistem ce folosea doar 10 simboluri.Printre acestea era si simbolul pentru zero.Acest sistem hindus-arab este cel care il folosim astazi , insa simbolurile au fost simplificate astfel incat sa arate ca 0123456789.Romanii au muncit la calendarul nostru cu aprox. 2000 de ani in urma.Ei l-au bazat pe miscarile Pamantului in jurul Soarelui si ale Lunii in jurul Pamantului. Ei au oferit o solutie pentru ajustarea anului sideral la solar.
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