Buna! Am nevoie de ajutor.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. The special effects are amazing. - film, positive
2. I couldn't put it down. - book, positive
3. It is set in China during the time of the Cultural Revolution. - both, neutral
4. The ending is totally predictable. - both, negative
5. It is a beautifully crafted piece of work. - both, positive
6. The audience is quickly drawn into the story. - film, positive
7. The clear and terse prose emphasises the banality of everyday life. - book, neutral
8. It holds up a mirror to life in a country village before the coming of the railways. - both, neutral
9. The plot turns on well worn devices. - both, negative
10. I found it totally absorbing. - both, positive
11. It fails to live up to the promise of the first few chapters. - book, negative
12. The writer has a fine ear for dialogue. - book, positive
13. The ending falls very flat. - both, negative
14. The beauty of the scenery is quite stunning. - film, positive
15. I found it very cliché, not to mention sentimental. - both, negative