Engleza, întrebare adresată de cirligveronica78, 8 ani în urmă

bună am nevoie de ajutor dau coroana​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de amaliastejerean1


salut ,uite : Testul 1

1 My brother has got a bike .

2Charles and Kim have got four children .

3 We have got two cats and a dog

4 Alan has got Geography on Monday

5 She has got a new dress

6 I have got a new skateboard .

7 My house has got a big garden .

Testul 2 :

1 I haven't got a dog.

2 Charlie hasn't got a TV in his room

3 You haven't got long hair

4 The Simpsons haven't got a car

5 Your cat han't got blue eyes

6 Paul and Sara haven't got Maths on Friday.

Testul 3 :

1 Has the baby got teeth ?

No ,he hasn't

2 Has your brother got a bike ?

Yes , he has.

3 Have we got a big house ?

No ,we haven't

4 Has Samantha got brothers or sisters ?

Yes, she has .

5 Has your aunt got green eyes ?

No,she hasn't

6 Have his parents got a house at the forest ?

Yes,they have got

7 Has Maria got a new MP3 player ?

No ,she hasn't

Răspuns de yourhelper087



Complete the sentences with have got or has got:

1. My brother has got a bike.

2. Charles and Kim have got four children.

3. We have got two cats and a dog.

4. Alan has got Geography on Monday.

5. She has got a new dress.

6. I have got a new skateboard.

7. My house has got a big garden.

Conplete the sentences with haven't got or hasn't got:

1. I haven't a dog.

2. Charlie hasn't a TV in his room.

3. You haven't long hair.

4. The Simpsons haven't a car.

5. Your cat hasn't got blue eyes.

6. Paul and Sara haven't Maths on Friday.

Have...got...? Has... got...?

1. Has the baby got teeth? No, he hasn't.

2. Has your brother got a bike? Yes, he has.

3. Have we got a big house? No, we haven't.

4. Has Samantha got brothers or sisters? Yes, she has.

5. Has our aunt got green eyes? No, she hasn't.

6. Have his parents got a house at the forest? Yes, they have.

7. Has Maria got a new MP3 player? No, she hasn't.

Observăm: Se folosește has sau hasn't la she,he,it.

Se folosește have sau haven't la you,I,we,they.

La întrebări în față se pune has/have și după subiectul.

Și atunci când răspundem la o întrebare cu yes or no spunem:

Yes, you/I/ they/we have.

No, You/I/they/we haven't.

Și la has punem așa:

Yes, she/he/it has.

No, she/he/it hasn't.

Sper te-am ajutat!♥️:)

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