Engleza, întrebare adresată de zambariciul, 8 ani în urmă

Bună , am nevoie de ajutor.... imi puteți face un eseu despre dezavantajele fast-food.ului in engleză? pls :*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dmariateodora1p5tstm

These days,people,instead of eating home cooked foods become advocate of fast foods.Fast foods are some foods like pizza, burgers, sandwiches, French fries that are prepared and served quickly, outside homes and have little or no nutrient value but instead are loaded with fat, sugar, soil, etc. In addition to children and students, adults especially those who are busy and work late hours, like and eat these kinds of foods. Although home cooked foods are much more healthy since having enough minerals, vitamin, and proteins, fast food are accessible, cheap, easy to eat and tasty and so has become very popular.

Vegetables and fruits which are found in home cooked food are good sources of vitamins and minerals they prevent heart disease and are also low in calories but rich in deity fiber. In conclusion, fast foods are delicious and can be a good way to save time and money, but being aware of it’s bad effect on your health, reduce your fast food consumption to less than once amount and try to eat organic and fresh food or those with sufficient nutrition .At the end, do not exchange the pleasure of gathering together with family member and have a great meal time, by eating junk foods which are also dangerous for your health.

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