Engleza, întrebare adresată de kamy97kamy, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de doua scrisori in limba engleza , o plangere a unui restaurant si o invitatie. Ma puteti ajuta?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

Plangere : Hello. I sent you this email due to the fact that the service was really slow and the food was very greasy and had lots of oil on it! I couldn't even eat a bit! Also the price was WAY too high due to the fact that the food wasn't even good! Get a better cook and some better people and make the restaurant better!

Invitatie : Hello , Adrian. I'm Alex. I got a invitation for you at a party tonight! It will be very cool! There will be girls too! We have lots of food and the main songs will be Eminem's , Tupac's Raps and Charlie Puth's and many other Hip-Hop artists songs will be played! Please come. Goodbye.

kamy97kamy: multumesc mult
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