Engleza, întrebare adresată de dennismaxim, 10 ani în urmă

Buna, am nevoie si eu de o compunere. Mai exact o scrisoare formala către editorul unei reviste in care sa ii spun ca elevii de la clasa sunt activi, lucrează bine, nu cheltuie banii parinților, stiu ce înseamnă viata reala, sunt responsabili, etc. Compunerea trebuie sa aibă undeva la 20 de rânduri si sa fie in limba engleza. Apoi dupa scrisoarea asta de 20 de rânduri mai am nevoie de inca 5-6 rânduri scrise despre o alta scrisoare către un prieten de al meu căruia sa ii spun despre scrisoarea pe care i-am trimis-o mai devreme Editorului, sa ii povestesc pe scurt despre ce e vorba si ca sper sa fie de acord cu mine.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denysaellena
Hello Mr. Freddy ,
I sent you this letter because I want to tell you with happiness about our students from the school . They are very good students , they're learnig a lot and thet work a lot of exercices , in specially at math , at romanian language and at english too . There're a few students who wants to work in the future in another countries so they learn very much english . They are alaways on , they don't spend their parents'moneys  and the know very well what it the real life , they're of course , responsible and they spend the time learning and writting. Just in the evenings they're playing games on the computer. They are very good students , they are olympics and they go at a lot of competitions at another schools or high-schools. There're a few students who likes to do sport and athletitic , and there're are too a lot of students who likes to play tennis , handball and football. Our school is know in Romania. Of course , there're a lot of students who likes to learn another languages like french , chinese , germany and russian. This is very interesting!
 So , Mr. Freddy , I sent you this letter because we want to appear in the next number of the magazine , so we're happy to see us there!
                                             with respectful , 
                                      ( numele tau)

Hey , dear friend , 
 I sent you too this letter because I want to tell you how happy I am now! I sent to Mr.Freddy the letter and I'm waiting for the answer. What do you think I told him? About our students , our olympics and about more about these... Do you think that he will agree to our to appear in the magazine?
  I want to know your opinion!
                                with friendly , 
                 ( numele tau)
                 nu sunt luate de pe net , no google translate. Succes! 

dennismaxim: Multumesc mult
denysaellena: cp ;)
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