Engleza, întrebare adresată de vasivasilica84, 9 ani în urmă

Buna! Am nevoie urgent de o inventie(inventata de mine). Cine ma poate ajuta? Trebuie sa scriu ceva desprea ea cam de o poagina!

dumitrescdorudaniel: Ce inevtiue vrei :) in engleza sa descriu inventia ta :D
vasivasilica84: Pai nu stiu despre ce sa scriu.
vasivasilica84: nu stiu nici o inventi

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dumitrescdorudaniel
I have invented the first anti-homework hat,only one of it's kind, how does it work you ask? the hat must be on your head while fixing your stare at your teacher preventing the teacher to say the homework because you have a giant aluminium beanie on your head!
That's right! you have a giant aluminium beanie on your head to make the teacher confused and forget about the homework! forget about making that pesky homework and go outside and play! the hat also blocks electromagnetic waves or small waves of energy going trough your head makeing you fell tired and useless but with this hat you can even become the president! (warning guarantee of becoming president is not guaranteed but you can try) thi shat costs only 999999$ and it's safe for your parents,children,infants and grandparents (they still have to go to school) what are you waiting for? there is a whole world to explore with this fantastic giant aluminium beanie! 

dumitrescdorudaniel: da mai stiu
vasivasilica84: as vrea sa fac si desen
dumitrescdorudaniel: explica
dumitrescdorudaniel: desen? um adica sa desenezi?
vasivasilica84: eu am nevoie sa fac un desen despre inventie si sa vorbesc desprea aceea inventie
vasivasilica84: voi face eu desenul,dar vreau alt ceva
dumitrescdorudaniel: okai iti fac private message ca sa nu nu ne dea ban
dumitrescdorudaniel: cat timp ai ca trebuie si eu sa imi fac tema :)
vasivasilica84: ok
vasivasilica84: pana la 4 trebuie sa o predau
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