buna am nevoie urgent!! va rog sa imi traduceti si mie urmatoarele enunturi in engleza:
Magarul alearga pe camp acum.
2. Profesorul nostru incearca sa ne explice cum se rezolva exercititul.
3. Gina gusta supa sa vada daca este buna.
4. In fiecare duminica fiica mea inalta zmee in parc.
5. Eu gateam cand am auzit un zgomot ciudat afara.
6. In timp ce ei furau politia i-a inconjurat.
7. Cu cat timp in urma a lucrat ea in strainatate?
8. Ea statea la plaja cand a vazut rechinul.
9. Acest prosop este moale.
10. In timp ce ea alerga a cazut pe scari.
11.M-am ridicat si am raspuns la intrebari ieri.
12. In timp ce mama stergea podeaua, Gelu se uita la desene animate.
13. Vantul bate tare toamna.
14. Afara vantul bate tare.
15. Ieri vantul a batut toata dimineata.
16. In timp ce ei se antrenau vantul batea tare.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. The donkey is running on the field now.
2. Our teacher tries to explain how to solve an exercise.
3. Gina is tasting the soup to see if it is good.
4. Every Sunday my daughter highs kites in the park.
5. I was cooking when I heard a strange noise outside.
6. While they were stealing the police surrounded them.
7. How long ago she worked abroad?
8. She was sitting on the beach when he saw the shark.
9. This towel is soft.
10. While she was running on the stairs she fell.
11. I got up and answered to questions yesterday.
12. While the mother was wiping the floor, Gelu was watching cartoons.
13. The wind blows in Autumn.
14. Outside it is windy.
15. Yesterday the wind has blown all morning.
16. While they were training it was windy.
2. Our teacher tries to explain how to solve an exercise.
3. Gina is tasting the soup to see if it is good.
4. Every Sunday my daughter highs kites in the park.
5. I was cooking when I heard a strange noise outside.
6. While they were stealing the police surrounded them.
7. How long ago she worked abroad?
8. She was sitting on the beach when he saw the shark.
9. This towel is soft.
10. While she was running on the stairs she fell.
11. I got up and answered to questions yesterday.
12. While the mother was wiping the floor, Gelu was watching cartoons.
13. The wind blows in Autumn.
14. Outside it is windy.
15. Yesterday the wind has blown all morning.
16. While they were training it was windy.
Răspuns de
1. The donkey is running over the fields.
2. Our teacher is trying to explain us how to do the exercise.
3. Gina is tasting the soup to see if it's good.
4. Every morning my daughter flies kites in the park.
5. I was cooking when I heard a strange noise from outside.
6. While they were stealing the police surrounded them.
7. How long ago did she work abroad?
8. She was sunbathing when she saw the shark.
9. The towel is soft.
10. While she was running she fell on the stairs.
11. Yesterday I stood up and and answered the questions.
12. While his mother was cleaning the floor, Gelu was watching cartoons.
13. In autumn the wind blows hard.
14. The wind is blowing hard outside.
15. Yesterday the wind was blowing all morning.
16. While there were training the wind was blowing hard.
2. Our teacher is trying to explain us how to do the exercise.
3. Gina is tasting the soup to see if it's good.
4. Every morning my daughter flies kites in the park.
5. I was cooking when I heard a strange noise from outside.
6. While they were stealing the police surrounded them.
7. How long ago did she work abroad?
8. She was sunbathing when she saw the shark.
9. The towel is soft.
10. While she was running she fell on the stairs.
11. Yesterday I stood up and and answered the questions.
12. While his mother was cleaning the floor, Gelu was watching cartoons.
13. In autumn the wind blows hard.
14. The wind is blowing hard outside.
15. Yesterday the wind was blowing all morning.
16. While there were training the wind was blowing hard.
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