Engleza, întrebare adresată de CristiMC, 9 ani în urmă

Buna. As aprecia mult daca m-ar putea corecta cineva, multumesc.

Write yout opinion in 80 - 100 words "Every young person should try to see all the different parts of his or her country"
My opinion is as this statement is total true, because a person that visit more regions from a country, he or she can talks about it and the know very more things in compared other people.
Another argument is as the more you visit more places, with that you will know more new things. In a new place, you make new friends with that you can to share different opinions and ideas.
In conclusion, all what I writed above is correctly and my arguments are true. "

Am vrut sa zic asa :
Opinia mea este ca aceasta afirmatie este total adevarata, deoarece o persoana care viziteaza mai multe regiuni dintr-o tara, el sau ea pot vorbi despre asta si stiu foarte multe lucruri in coparatie cu ceilalti.
Un alt argument ieste ca cu cat vizitezi mai multe locuri, cu atat o sa stii mai multe lucruri. Intru-un loc nou, iti faci noi prieteni cu care poti sa impartasesti diferite opinii si idei.
In concluzie, tot ce am scris mai sus este corect si argumentele mele sunt adevarate.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emmalia

My opinion is that this statement is totally true, because a person who visits several regions of a country, he or she can talk about it and know a lot of things in comparison with others. Another argument is that the more places you visit, the more things you will know. In a new place, you make new friends with whom you can share different opinions and ideas. In conclusion, everything I wrote above is correct and my arguments are true.

Este bine!

TheRealFantasy: perfect! :D
CristiMC: Multumesc frumos de ajutor! :)
emmalia: Cu mult drag!
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