Engleza, întrebare adresată de Diana199, 9 ani în urmă

buna ❤️ as dorii sa stiu daca am scris acesta scrisoare corect in limba engleza ,si in caz ca nu este formulata cum trebuie sa ma corectati:

Dear Aunt Susan,
you that I lost 5kg in record time. I am very proud of myself and I feel great in my skin. Your advice helped me very much but I do not know if I can continue to exercise because I learned that I have problems with the spine. I'm worried because I do not want to go to the previous weight. Mom says I manage to maintain my weight by giving up excesses. I love you more and not wait to get back from your trip.
Love, Mary

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnimatedSignature
E bine, dar la început nu înțeleg: "Dear X, you that I..." Ce e cu "you" ăla acolo? Voiai să zici "you know that", sau ce?
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