Buna .Cine ar putea sa imi traduca aceasta compunere in engleza?
Buna .Am primit scrisoarea ta in care imi scri ca doresti sa inveti engleza mai bine si ma rogi sa iti dau niste sfaturi.Sunt multe lucruri care m-au ajutat pe mine sa invat engleza mai bine .
In primul rand ,trebuie sa citesti cat de multe carti in engleza.Eu am citit cartile:......M-au ajutat foarte mult deoarece asa am invatat cuvinte noi .Poti citi deasemenea reviste,documentare sau stiri despre moda,vedete sport sau filme.Alt lucru este acela de a scrie emailuri scrisori sau compuneri in engleza .Scriind in engleza iti imbogatesti vocabularul si inveti gramatica limbii.
In al doilea rand te poti uita la seriale si la filme in engleza.Serialele pe care le recomand sunt.......Din seriale eu am invatat cel mai bine Engleza.Alta metoda eficienta prin care poti invata engleza este aceea de a vorbi cu un prieten la telefon in engleza in fiecare zi.Aceasta metoda eu o practic si ma ajuta mult.Poti deasemenea sa iti descarci aplicatii care te vor ajuta sa inveti limba engleza precum:.......
Sper ca te am ajutat si astept un raspuns din partea ta cat mai curand ca sa ma anunti cum te descurci .Mult succes!Cu drag ,.....
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Hi. I received your letter in which you write to me that you want to learn English better and ask me to give you some advice. There are many things that have helped me to learn English better.
First of all, you have to read as many books in English. I read the books: ...... They helped me a lot because that's how I learned new words. You can also read magazines, documentaries or fashion news, celebrities sports or movies. Another thing is to write emails, letters or compositions in English. Writing in English enriches your vocabulary and learns the grammar of the language.
Secondly, you can watch series and movies in English. The series I recommend are ....... From the series I learned the best English. Another effective method by which you can learn English is to talk to a friend on the phone in English every day. I practice this method and it helps me a lot. You can also download applications that will help you learn English such as: .......
I hope I helped you and I am waiting for an answer from you as soon as possible to let me know how you are doing. Good luck!
Hi. I received your letter in which you write to me that you want to learn English better and ask me to give you some advice. There are many things that have helped me to learn English better.
First of all, you have to read as many books in English. I read the books: half and half They helped me a lot because that's how I learned new words. You can also read magazines, documentaries or fashion news, celebrities sports or movies. Another thing is to write emails, letters or compositions in English. Writing in English enriches your vocabulary and learns the grammar of the language.
Secondly, you can watch series and movies in English. The series I recommend are nice From the series I learned the best English. Another effective method by which you can learn English is to talk to a friend on the phone in English every day. I practice this method and it helps me a lot. You can also download applications that will help you learn English such as: good