buna dau test la engleza maine si nu stiu nimic va rog sa imi explicati
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To be - past time
to have - past time
explicati mi ce sunt cu ele si la ce ajutat da-ti exemple si in romana si traduse in engleza ca nu le inteleg si nu le vad nice rostul :(((((
COROANA plus 50 punches!!!!!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Exista 4 forme de past tense (timpul trecut) in engleza.
- Past simple de forma I ATE
- Past continuous de forma I WAS EATING
- Past perfect de forma I HAD EATEN
- Past perfect continuous de forma I HAD BEEN EATING
Cele mai folosite la nivel mediu sunt past simple si past continuous, care sunt de asemenea si cele mai simple.
Past simple se formeaza prin a adauga terminatia -ed la radacina
ex: I talked to the teacher - Am vorbit cu profesorul
I blamed him - Am dat vina pe el
Pentru past simple exista de asemenea si verbe cu forma irregular, care nu au terminatia -ed, de exemplu:
- to be ⇒ was/were
- to begin ⇒ began
- to choose ⇒ chose
- to do ⇒ did
Folosinte pentru past simple:
- O actiune ce s-a intamplat o singura data sau de mai multe ori in trecut:
I met her in 2020 = Am intalnit-o in 2020.
I walked there every Monday = Am mers pe jos pana acolo in fiecare luni.
- O actiune care a fost adevarata in trecut pentru o perioada de timp:
I lived with him for three years = Am locuit cu el 3 ani.
Past continuous se formeaza prin verbul to be la past simple + verb cu terminatia -ing adaugata la radacina.
ex: I was eating when I saw Andrei - Mancam cand l-am vazut pe Andrei.
Past continuous poate fi folosit pentru:
-O actiune care a durat o perioada scurta de timp:
I was writing a message - Scriam un mesaj
I was having a headache - Ma durea capul
-O actiune care se repeta des in trecut:
They were meeting by the river every Monday - Ei se intalneau langa rau in fiecare luni.
In general se foloseste pentru actiuni care erau in progres in trecut.
Exemple pentru past perfect si past perfect continuous, pe care nu o sa le intalnesti asa des:
-I had eaten by the time you got home = Am mancat pana ai ajuns tu acasa (Adica eu deja am terminat de mancat inainte sa ajungi tu)
-Had you been waiting long before the bus arrived? = Ai asteptat mult inainte sa soseasca autobuzul?
Verbul TO BE (a fi) la past simple:
- I was
- You were
- He/She/It was
- We were
- You were
- They were
Verbul TO BE (a fi) la past continuous:
- I was being
- You were being
- He/She/It was being
- We were being
- You were being
- They were being
Verbul TO HAVE (a avea) la past simple:
- I had
- You had
- He/She/It had
- We had
- You had
- They had
Verbul TO HAVE (a avea) la past continuous:
- I was having
- You were having
- He/She/It was having
- We were having
- You were having
- They were having
To be - Past simple:
I was there when he called you = Am fost acolo cand te-a sunat
You were really into books when you were 13 = Iti placeau foarte mult cartile cand aveai 13 ani ("to be into" locutiune cu sensul de a iti placea ceva)
The children were at school when the accident happened = Copiii erau la scoala cand s-a intamplat accidentul
To be - Past continuous:
I thought I was being smart, but I was wrong = Am crezut ca sunt istet, dar m-am inselat
While you were out shopping, I was cleaning the house= Cat timp tu erai la cumparaturi, eu faceam curat in casa.
To have- Past simple:
We had fun at the party = Ne-am distrat la petrecere
You had a lot of shrimp (had aici are sensul de a manca) = Ai mancat multi creveti.
I had too much free time = Aveam prea mult timp liber.
To have- Past continuous:
I was having fun until Michael came = Ma distram pana cand a venit Michael
They were throwing a party while we were bored at home = Ei dadeau o petrecere cat timp noi eram plictisiti acasa.