Engleza, întrebare adresată de rusudeliaandreea, 8 ani în urmă

Bună! Este cineva bun la engleză care îmi poate rezolva și mie acest exercițiu (7)? Este urgent. Mulțumesc! ​


rusudeliaandreea: Bună! Știe cineva ceva? :))

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexsupport


Honestly, I don't feel that Airplane is most important for going quickly in another part, people are saying that airplane is good for sure, but in the same time it's so risky, you don't even know when you can have a bad surprise, somehow If the airplane are breaking down, it's so awful, spooky.

Of course, there are people who argue that travelling by airplane can be a nightmare.

For me personally I don't prefare to fly with airplane, I'd rather prefer with bus or a car. Anyway as you can see, throughout are risky moments, even with a car, with a bus exist some unsure moments.

Already depends on how you like, you are making decions on your own, nobody are making decions for you:)


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