Engleza, întrebare adresată de kasya90, 9 ani în urmă

buna, imi puteti alcatui o compunere in engleză despre prietena cea mai buna?? repede, va rog ( pentru copii in varsta de 11-12 ani clasa a V-a ) dau coroana... mulțumesc.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ian148754

My best friend is (numele ei). She's older than me. I met her in the park when I was standing on a chair. At first I thought she was nasty because she didn't speak to anyone, but one day a friend of ours introduced us and we started to talk to each other. After talking I realized she was really nice and I wanted her to become my best friend. After a few weeks we got to know each other very well and so become best friends. When we are togheter, we enjoys our selves very much. We play tennis for a long time, talk about our experience and our problems and watch TV. Sper ca te-am ajutat. Funda ?

kasya90: nu te supara dar poti sa imi dai si traducerea
kasya90: dar repede te rog
ian148754: imdeiat
ian148754: Cea mai buna prietena a mea este (numele). Ea este mai mare decat mine. Am intalnit o in parc cand stateam pe banca. Prima data am crezut ca nu este placuta de nimeni, pentru ca nu vorbea cu nimeni, dar intr o zi o prietena ne a facut cunostinta si am inceput sa vorbim. Dupa ce am vorbit am realizat ca este chiar de treaba, si am vrut ca ea sa imi devina cea mai buna prietena. Dupa cateva saptamani am inceput sa ne cunoastem foarte bine si am devenit cele mai bune prietene. Cand eram impreuna
kasya90: mtumesc mult
ian148754: ne petreceam foarte bine timpul. Jucam tenis pentru mult timp, vorbim despre experientele si problemele noastre si ne uitam la televizor
Răspuns de ILARYA
My best friend

My best friend is ........ .She has tweleven years old .She is beautifull ,she has brown eyes,fair hair .She has same, funny and lovely.She is my colleague.
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