Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alexandra721, 9 ani în urmă

Buna!Imi traduce-ti aceasta compunere?Nu vreau sa fie tradusa pe google translate si nici de cei ce nu cunosc foarte bine engleza.MA ADRESEZ DOAR CELOR CE O STIU FOARTE BINE!
                                                                  Vacanta mea de vara 
      Pot spune ca aceasta a fost cea mai buna vacanta de vara!M-am simtit minunat,iar locurile pe care le-am vizitat au fost deosebit de frumoase.Deoarece am avut mult timp liber,am putut sa il petrec cu prietenii,cu parintii si bunicii      
     Dupa cateva saptamani de la luarea vacantei am plecat in Grecia,alaturi de familia mea.Am profitat la maxim de cele 8 zile petrecute acolo vizitand locurile,muzeele din zona,dar si invatand despre traditiile grecesti.Intr-o dimineata m-am trezit la ora 4 pentru a vedea rasaritul.Dupa intoarcere am petrecut cateva saptamani la bunici.M-am bucurat mult sa ii revad.Acolo m-am distrat alaturi de verisori si prieteni.Spre sfarsitul vacantei am stat foarte mult cu prietenii.Am ascultat muzica,ne-am uitat la filme si ne-am batut cu apa.A fost o vara minunata,cu exceptia vremii schimbatoare.
   Mi-a placut foarte mult vacanta aceasta!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dana89
My summer holiday

I can say that this was the best summer holiday ever! I felt great, and the places I visited were especially wonderful. Because I had a lot of free time, I could spend it with my friends, my parents and my grandparents.
A few weeks after the beginning of the holiday, I went to Greece with my family. I took full advantage of the 8 weeks that I spent there, sightseeing, visiting the local museums, but also learning about Greek customs and traditions. 
One morning I woke up at 4 a.m. to see the sunrise. After I got back from Greece, I spent a couple of weeks at my grandparents'. I was really glad to see them again. There, I had a lot of fun with my cousins and my friends. 
Towards the end of the holiday, I spent a lot of time with my friends. We listened to music, we saw some movies, and we had water fights.
It was a great summer, except for the unreliable weather.
I really enjoyed this holiday!

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