Engleza, întrebare adresată de Princess, 9 ani în urmă

Buna! Ma ajutați si pe mine. Care sunt avantajele si dezavantaje produselor cumpărate de la piaţă faţă de la un supermarket în engleză va rogg mult.. cate 6 avantaje si dezavantaje. Va roggg mult de tot.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sunny5
When you buy fruit and vegetables from the market they are usually very fresh, you buy them straight from the producer, there are no additional taxes. People can ask the producer about the origin and the quality of the fruit and vegetables. People can find at the market other products, such as dairy products or home-made products. Another advantage is the fact that at the market people can socialise, they meet other people and talk about anything. The disadvantages are that the products in a supermarket are better controlled, there is a wide variety of products, there may be discounts, it is easier to find the products you want to buy, you can pay using the credit card, you can read the labels of the products to know exactly what you want to buy.

Princess: Thank you! :)
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