Bună!! Mă ajutați şi pe mine cu o traducere din română în engleză ?
1) Ţi-a mărturisit ieri de ce a fost acuzat ?
2) Mi sa făcut o injecţie ca să nu simt durerea.
3) Se scriu liste de nume pentru a fi distribuite.
4) S-au făcut aluzii la cartea ta.
5) Cartea se vinde bine şi se citeşte repede.
6) Copiilor li se pun întrebări dificile de către profesor.
7) Îi place să fie admirat de către colegi.
8) Nu a fost operat înainte de a fi adormit.
9) Studentul a fost avertizat de profesor şi scos din examen pentru că a copiat.
10) I sa făcut cunoştiinţă cu tine pentru ca ea să îţi poată lua un interviu.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1)Did he confessed to you yesterday why he was acussed?
2)I was made an injection in order to not feel pain.
3)Name lists are being written for being distributed.
4)Alussions have been made about your book.
5)The book is being sold well and is being read fast.
6)The children are asked hard questions by the teacher.
7)He likes being admired by his classmates.
8)He wasn't operated until he fell asleep.
9)The student was attentioned by the teacher and was expelled from the exam because he cheated.
10)She has been introduced to you in order for she to be able to take you an interview.
2)I was made an injection in order to not feel pain.
3)Name lists are being written for being distributed.
4)Alussions have been made about your book.
5)The book is being sold well and is being read fast.
6)The children are asked hard questions by the teacher.
7)He likes being admired by his classmates.
8)He wasn't operated until he fell asleep.
9)The student was attentioned by the teacher and was expelled from the exam because he cheated.
10)She has been introduced to you in order for she to be able to take you an interview.
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