Engleza, întrebare adresată de roxanaa98, 9 ani în urmă

Buna! Ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva, va rog?
Join the sentences in two ways , with and without using who or which/that.
1) My brother bought a bike last week. Someone has stolen it.(Someone...)
Someone has stolen the bike which/that my brother bought last week.
Someone has stolen the bike my brother bought las week.
2) I told you about a boy.There's the boy.(There's the boy...)
3) You wanted to see it.The film starts at eight.(The film...)
4) You asked me to get you a video. Here's the video.(Here's the...)
5) You talked to a woman. The woman is my teacher. ( The woman...)
6) My sister entered a photo in a competition. It won a prize.(The photo...)
7) We've got a new Maths teacher. I really like her.( We've got...)
8) You lent me a pen. I'm afraid I lost it.( I'm afraid I lost...)
9) She bought some a new trainers. I don't like them. (I don't like...)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deeadeni
There's the boy I told you about. There's is the boy whom I told you about. 
The film you wanted to see starts at eight. The film which you want to see starts at eight. 
Here's the video you asked me to get you. Here's the video which you asked me to get you. 
The woman you talked to is my teacher. The woman whom you talked to is my teacher.
The photo my sister entered in a competition won a prize. The photo that my sister entered in a competition won a prize. 
We've got a new Maths teacher I like. We've got a new Maths teacher whom I like. 
I'm afraid I lost the pen you lent me. I'm afraid I lost the pen that you lent me. 
I don't like the new trainers she bought. I don't like the new trainers that she bought. 

roxanaa98: Multumesc!
deeadeni: Cu placere.❣
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