Engleza, întrebare adresată de leafusimona, 10 ani în urmă

buna, ma puteti ajuta cu o ompunere la lb engleza despre scoala ?

ctinamaria31xxx: scrie in romana si iti traduc
leafusimona: bn, imediat
leafusimona: Eu visez la o scoala in care toate orele se desfasoara in aer liber, la joaca, iar orele de sport sunt pe primul loc.Tinuta noastra nu este uniforma ci o tinuta lejera , si frumoasa.In clasa este plin de dulciuri, iar la fiecare pauza doamna ne serveste cu prajitura si suc.In fiecare saptamana mi-ar place sa facem cate o excursie.la munte iarna, iar vara la mare.Mos Craciun cand soseste la scoala sa ne aduca muulte jucarii,In fiecare zi sa ne jucam la calculator .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ctinamaria31xxx
I dream at a school where all the disciplines are taking place outside, and we learn by playing games and the sport should be on the first place - the priority. We should not wear an uniform but everything we want, comfortable and pretty.The classroon should be full with swits and in every break the teacher gives us cake and soda. every week i would like to go in a trip at the mountain. If it's winter at the mountain, if it's summer, at the sea.
When Santa comes to school he brings us a lot uf nice toys. The most important thing is that every day we play on the computer.

leafusimona: la scoala mea mi-ar place sa se organizeze concursuri de pescuit vara si spectacole de circ.Ar fi o distractie tot timpul!
ctinamaria31xxx: At my school i would like to exists fishing contests durng the summer and circus spectacles. It would be fun all the time!
leafusimona: multumesc mult!
leafusimona: titlul compunerii este ;.. o scoala ideala...
ctinamaria31xxx: An ideal schol
ctinamaria31xxx: *school
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