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Mama, acest cuvant magic si frumos cu putere fermecata, reprezinta fiinta cea mai iubita si indragita de mine de pe pamant. Daca cineva mi-ar spune sa-mi descriu mama, as spune ca: " Mama mea este o fiinta gingasa si frumoasa. Parul sau este lung si ondulat ca valurile marii, iar ochii ei mari sunt ca doua diamante pline de caldura, blandete si intelepciune. Niciun trandafir nu o poate intrece in frumusete si niciun ghiocel in delicatete. Mainile sale sunt agere si catifelate. Glasul sau melodios imi strabate inima si mi-o umple de bucurie si fericire, iar privirea sa este blanda si luminoasa. Sufletul sau este plin de bunatate si intelegere. As putea spune ca mama este un inger trimis din cer pentru a ma ajuta sa trec mai usor peste greutatile vietii, fiindu-mi alaturi atunci cand am nevoie de sprijin. Ii promit ca atunci cand voi deveni o persoana adulta, iar ea va imbatrani, o voi rasplati pentru tot ce a facut si face pentru mine. O voi iubi, o voi asculta, o voi respecta mereu si ii doresc multa sanatate, fericire, pace sufleteasca, liniste, viata lunga si tot ce exista mai bun pe lume!
Nu a raportat raspunsul Iulia ci LDorinl probabil ca razbunare,cum se poarta.
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'Mother', a magically empowered word with beauty and strength, is the most beloved, dearest and cherished human being on the Earth. If someone asked me to describe my mom, I would say that: "My mom is beautiful and delicate. Her hair is long and curly as the sea waves kiss the shore every morning, and the eyes are two diamonds that sparkle in light warmth and kindness and reconciliation. Neither a rose, nor a snowdrop are more beautiful than my mother! Her hands are fine and so soft in touch.
She is like an angel from Heaven that protects me from all the evils, and provides comfort whenever I need. She's always there for me. For that, I am making a strong promise, that I, the- future - to be - grown-up, shall be there for her when she gets older and when she needs me most. I shall always love my mom, keep her close to my heart, and always be so infinitely grateful to her. I wish her a peaceful soul, much happiness and fulfilling hopes.
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