Engleza, întrebare adresată de ary223, 8 ani în urmă

Bună!!!Mă puteți ajuta vă rog frumos???Aș vrea rezumatul de la Charlie Bucket și fabrica de ciocolată!!!Vă rog!!!E URGENT!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iomggghn
grupul de omuleti Ompa-Lompa scosesera niste tobe micute si incepure sa le cante doamnei si domnului de la tv.Eiintrebar pe patinti lor ce faceau cand nu aveau televizor?Au raspuns ca atunci copiii citeau de zor si invatau.Cu printi, printese si cercopiteci,
balene albe si pirati corabii pline de comori cu canibali si elefanti.trei purcelusi cine voia televizor?vor descoperi cartea romanul de povesti vai, vai ce bucuriece au putut vedea vrodata la cutia de televizo?
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Charlie was a poor boy. He lived with all his family. One day he started to speak with his grandfather about the chocolate factory that Willy Wonka had. Grandpa Joe told him that he worked for him a long time ago but now he was dismessed because there worked too much people and started to spy to receive money and to tell the secrets of the secrets of the factory ( because Willy Wonka' s factory had the best chocolate in the world)
After a few days Willy Wonka made an anouce : Starting now there are five golden tickets. Every child that earns one will can come to my factory and one of them will receive a very big prize!
Charlie, veruca Salt , Mike Tevee and another two children earn a golden ticket. They were welcome to the factory. But all of them were very obssesive with the sweets that were found there except Charlie that was just watching.
Finally Willy Wonka decided to give Charlie the chocolate factory but there was an exception...he had to leave his family.
Charlie refused because he loves his family.
After a month Wonka' s father came to visit him. Willy Wonka understood starting that day why the family is so important.
So he gave charlie the factory and welcomed also his family.

ary223: Mulțumesc!!!
Utilizator anonim: n-ai pt ce!!
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