Engleza, întrebare adresată de caietul5, 8 ani în urmă

Bună seara!
Am mare nevoie de ajutor la engleza va rog,doar cine se pricepe e pe nota
dau coronița ❤❤❤​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Damaya

77. 2 can

3 cant

4 cant

5 cant

6 can

8 She could see

9 She couldnt get

10 She couldnt climb

11 She couldnt phone

12 She could hear

78. 3 cant cook

4 couldnt sleep

5 couldnt understand

6 couldnt came

7 couldnt catch

8 couldnt play

9 cant see

Damaya: cu placere ^-^ , la negatie nu uita sa pui apostrof dupa t. nu am avut semnul
Damaya: doamne, din cauza ca am sarit peste 7 nu am observat si acum se schimba
Damaya: Imi cer scuze pt neatentie
Răspuns de y00nbum


1. Oh dear ! Where's my key? I can't find it. Oh look! It's on the kitchen table. I can see it . Now what am i going to do? I can't get in. I can't climb the tree to the window on the first floor. It's to high. I can't phone for help because i haven't got my mobile with me. Hey, what's that noise in the sitting room? I can hear something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's at home. Brilliant!


1) Pat couldn't find her key yesterday .

2) She could see it on the kitchen table .

3) She couldn't get in .

4) She couldn't climb the tree .

5) She couldn't phone for help.

6) She could hear someone in the sitting room - It was me!


1) I'd like to read Andrea's letter. The only problem is I can't find my glasses.

2) Lisa didn't pass her maths exam because she couldn't answer the questions.

3) I'd like to invite my friends to dinner at my house, but unfortunately I can't cook.

4) Kevin was really tired last night, but he couldn't sleep.

5) People said he was a very interesting speaker, but I couldn't understand him.

6) I've got two tickets for the theatre on Saturday, but unfortunately Frank can't come.

7) Maria's dog ran out of the house and she couldn't catch him.

8) We had a piano at home when I was younger, but I couldn't play it.

9) (At the cinema) Those people in front of me are very tall. I can't see the screen.

y00nbum: mmm cred că da
y00nbum: okk
y00nbum: gata l-am facut:)
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