buna, va rog ajutați-ma urgent dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare
loafers - a leather shoe shaped like a moccasin, with a flat heel
tilting into the sea - (la asta nu gasesc o definitie concreta, si nu vreau sa formulez eu una deoarece poate nu e bine)
stranded - left aground on a shore
clinging dress - (adj.) a garment fitting closely to the body and showing its shape
sewers - an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter
humdrum - lacking excitement or variety; boringly monotonous
gondolas - a light flat-bottomed boat used on Venetian canals
breed - (vb.) the act of mating and then producing offspring (of animals)
industrious - diligent and hard working
reveller (pl. revellers) - a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way
1. He likes wearing black loafers.
2. ---
3. The whale was stranded on the shore.
4. She wore a clinging dress for the party.
5. Elly said the sewers were clogged.
6. He said he always sees them being humdrum at work.
7. During their time in Venice, they rode a gondola.
8. The cat can breed during this period of time.
9. You've always been industrious.
10. They are always a bunch of revellers when they are drunk.