Engleza, întrebare adresată de stoicadiana1979, 8 ani în urmă

Bună . Vă rog frumos cu o compunere in engleză pt cls 12 . Mulțumesc mult!

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Răspuns de ilikephoto

It was a Sunday night, I was falling asleep when suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from outside the house. At first, I didn't care too much about it but as time went on, the noise started getting louder and louder. I looked through the blurry window and I found out there was a black shadow appearing to be climbing on the fence.

I started panicking, my heart was racing I didn't know what to do. I remembered that Ieft the door open. I cleared off the room and I started looking for a place to hide. I heard the door creak, that's when I knew I was in danger. I quickly hid into the closet and I noticed a familiar figure entering the house, it was my cousin. I asked for explanation and he said he was setting up a prank. I was so annoyed... I never left the door open and never fell for his tricks since then.

P.S Daca nu îți place ceva / vrei sa mai adaug ceva sa lași un comentariu

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