Buna.Vreau si eu o descriere a fratelui meu in engleza.Sa nu fie foarte lungă.Maxim 4 randuri.Puteti folosi ca exemplu propozițiile din fotografie.
Detalii:are parul maro,ochii verzi,il cheamă Bobi,are 19 ani,ii place engleza si cam atat.La final sa spuneti ca il iubesc.Ms
40 puncte

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
My brother,Bobi,is my best friend because he is always with me when I am upset.He is handsome,is ninteen(19)years old and he likes English.He lives with me and my parents.Bobi helps me with the money too,if it is a small amount of hcourse.
Bobi is my best friend.
Sper să te ajute!Mult succes cu şcoala.Consider că descrierea a fost potrivita
Îmi dai te rog un ,,munţumesc,, sau o coroană?Mersi anticipat!
Răspuns de
Im going to descrie my brother, who is not only a brother to me, he’s a best friend too! He has brown hair and beautiful green eyes. His name is Bobi and I love him sooo much! Bobi is 19 years old and loves english. He’s tall and the best! I dont know what I’d do without my brother
Poftim, am inclus tot ce ai scris acolo
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