Engleza, întrebare adresată de misasv1982, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariaaa888000

1. exemplu

2. Lf= He has got a balloon. Sf= He's got a balloon.

3. Lf= We have got a bicycle. Sf= We've got a bicycle.

4. Lf= You have got friends. Sf= You've got friends.

5. Lf= Mary has got an umbrella. Sf= Mary's got an umbrella.

6. exemplu

7. Lf= She has not got a radio. Sf= She hasn't got a radio.

8. Lf= We have not got a helicopter. Sf= We haven't got a helicopter.

9. Lf= They have not got a sister. Sf= They haven't got a sister.

10. Lf= They have not got a doll. Sf= They haven't got a doll.

11. Lf= Dave has not got a brother. Sf= Dave hasn't got a brother.

12. Lf= Lydia and Mark have not got a computer. Sf= Lydia and Mark haven't got a computer.

Long form = lf

Short form= sf

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