Engleza, întrebare adresată de beatricemusat27, 8 ani în urmă

Bună ziua, ma puteți ajuta și pe mine cu un text de clasa a 6-a în limba engleză? Textul trebuie sa fie de 2 pagini A4!! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MaraIasminutza

People are the most dangerous living creatures. It is said that more than a half of them don't even care about saving their own planet. The planet is slowly dying because of us and we need to stop it. We can do this by creating big groups of people who can pick up the trash from some places. People need to realise that they are destroying their own place of living. Scientists have claimed that a lot of animals are being extinct because we hunt them or we polluate their natural habitat. As we know a big problem in the world is global warming. We cant totally repair the damage but we can prevent it by not driving our cars that much. Icebergs are melting and the fish and other creatures who live in the polar zone are dying.

Be a better human and start saving the planet because it is the only place we live in.

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