Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioanafaakefake, 8 ani în urmă

Buna ziua!Vă rog să mă ajutați!
să fie Interogativă afirmativă și negativa

Clasa alX-C ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de verronicaborrodachi


Does my boyfriend love this song?

My boyfriend love this song

my boyfriend doesn't love this song

does she only eat fish?

She only eat fish

she doesn't eat only fish

Do they speak English in USA?

they speak English in USA

They don't speak English in USA

Do Tomorrow early morning first i go to morning walk?

Tomorrow early morning first i go to morning walk

Tomorrow early morning first i don't go to morning walk

he go to school

he doesn't go to school

ioanafaakefake: trebuia 3
ioanafaakefake: mersi
verronicaborrodachi: cuplacere
verronicaborrodachi: ej lasă să fie
ioanafaakefake: trebuie sa fie 26 de propoziții
Răspuns de MalaiExtra


21. ? = Does my boyfriend love this song?

+ = My boyfriend loves this song.

- = My boyfriend doesn't love this song.

22. ? = Does she only eat fish?

+ = She only eats fish

- = she doesn't only eat fish

23. ? = ? Do they speak english in the USA?

+ = They speak english in USA

- = They don't speak english in USA

24. ? = Will I tomorrow early morning first go to a morning walk?

+ Tomorrow early morning first i go to a morning walk

- Tommorow early morning first i will not go to a morning walk

25. ? = Does he go to school?

+ = He goes to school

- = He doesn't go to school

26. ? = Does she live in Paris?

+ = She lives in Paris

- = She doesn't live in Paris

27. = la fel ca si 25

28. ? = Do i like tea?

+ = I like tea

- I don't like tea

29. ? = Does it usually rain here everyday?

+ = It usually rains here everyday

- = It doesn't usually rain here everyday

30. ? = Does Mary enjoy cooking?

+ = Mary enjoys cooking

- = Mary doesn't enjoy cooking

31. ? = Does my son live in London?

+ = My son Lives in London

- = My son doesn't live in London

ioanafaakefake: 27 nu știu
MalaiExtra: 27 = ? Does he go to school? + = He goes to school - = He doesn't go to school
ioanafaakefake: așa am scris și eu
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