Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefaniabodeaioanq, 8 ani în urmă

Bunaa! Îmi puteți face un email pt un prieten din America în care sa ii povestiți despre mijloacele de transport din tara noastră? E urgent, mulțumesc! ❤​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de angelopanoiu
To: Andrew
From: Stefania
Hey there, sorry for responding so late, I’ve been caught up in studying lately. I know you wanted to learn more about our country so today I’ve been meaning to tell you all about the transport options in our country.
So first, one of the most popular means of transport in Romania is by bus, being used mostly by the elderly or the kids in school.
Of course a lot of people also have their own cars and it’s easier to go from a place to another but it’s not an option for everyone.
There are also the trains, a lot of people use them too, but they’re not as popular as they were before.
The fastest way of transport is the airplane, being used in about 90% of the times for international journeys, but you can also travel via plane for example from Timisoara to Bucharest.
Other means of transport in our country can include the Taxi, Uber, even boats.
I hope this information was enough to fulfill your curiosity, and I’m waiting for your response about your country. Until then I wish you all the best, bye bye!
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