Engleza, întrebare adresată de andradeniiii, 9 ani în urmă

Bunaa, ma ajuta si pe mine cineva la niste exercitii?DAU COROANA 40 pct!
He is a totally ......person who defies all standards .(moral)
She watched him do all those tricks with ...... (amuse)
Let's not have another .....(argue)
She needs.... friends when one is in trouble(rely)
She was ..... of me in spite of her smile.(envy)
He is trembling with...... at tomorrow's contest .(anxious)
He results of the test were quite different from our.......(expect)
Too many people still die of......( starve)
He fixed everything with amazing .......(able)
How dare you....me in my own house ?(threat)
I'm really .......with computers .I always do something wrong .(hope)
My.....is to leave the group as soon as possible(intend)
........,nobody was killed in the accident .(fortune)
If you want to get the job you'll have to send the ..... from soon.(apply)
This design shows great......(original)
2. Rewrite the following senteces so as the meaning stays the same . Use the world given in brackets.
1.Laura hasn't found a house yet.(looking)
2.It s a month since last spoke to me .(spoken)
3.I've never seen a more beautiful woman.(ever)
4.What is the price of these shoes?(much)
5.The last time I saw Richard was before he got his new job.(since)
6. It was the most delicious Chinese meal i had ever eaten.(never)
7.she started working here for two years ago.(for)
8.You don't seem to be enjoying the music.(are)
9.I last saw them five years ago .(seen)
10.I stayed at home all day , because it was really cold outside.(that)
Acuma va rog sa mi le faceti corect pe toate .Multumesc!

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