Engleza, întrebare adresată de bejandariana, 8 ani în urmă

C) Write questions for the underlined answers. (15) 1. Terry will drop out of school to become a rock musician. 2. Penelope Cruz trained as a ballet dancer in Madrid. 3. I lived in a small village in the South of Ireland last year. 4. Yes, the book was praised by critics. 5. Lots of people buy a package holiday in the UK.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de straticiucandrian

Răspuns: 1) Why Terry will drop out of school?
What will do Terry to become a rock musician?

Who will drop out of school to become a rock musician?
2) Who trained as a ballet dancer in Madrid?

As what Penelope Cruz trained in Madrid?

Where did Penelope Cruz train ?

3)Where did i live last year?

In which part of Ireland did i live last year?

When did i live in the South of Ireland?

4)Was the book praised by critics?

By whom was the book praised?

What was praised by critics?

5)Who buy a package holiday in the UK?

What lots of people buy in the UK?

Where lots of people buy a package holiday in the UK?


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