Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Ca rog tot plssssssss​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ruebennett

7) 1 - c

2 - a

3 - e

4 - d

5 - b

8) 1. We've been looking at photos for hours.

We've looked at all my albums!

2. She has written 50 messages today!

She has been writing emails since 8 o'clock.

3. We've been listening to songs all evening.

We've listened to five albums.

4. They've been playing the guitar since 1985.

They've played a lot of concerts.

5. She has painted 300 pictures.

She has been painting for many years.

9) 1. How long has he known Ben?

2. How long have they been playing in a band?

3. How long have you had your guitar?

4. How long has she been listening to music?

5. How long have they been teachers?

6. How long have we lived in this house?

10) 1. What's your favourite sport and how long have you been playing it? 2. What class are you in now and how long have you been in it?

3. How long have you been studying English?

4. What is the most interesting information you have heard today?

11) 0. I have known my best friend for 4 years.

1. My favourite sport is football and I have been playing it for 5 years.

2. I'm in English class and I have been in it for 20 minutes.

3. I have been studying English since first grade.

4. The most interesting information I have heard today was an animal fact.

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