Engleza, întrebare adresată de UnknownAgent, 8 ani în urmă

Can somebody tell me the difference between 'killed' and 'murdered'

(somebody got killed/ somebody got murdered) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lolitaIchan


I'm not sure, but I think that killed means that u could've been killed by an object or animal and murdered reffers specifically to a human that killed you and inteneded to do so

UnknownAgent: Alright... but then the difference between a killer and a murderer?
lolitaIchan: Oh, wait I haven't really tought of that hm..
lolitaIchan: i actually think that a killer didn't want to do it, they did it on accident, to protect themselves etc but a murder wanted to do it and is considered somehow "evil"
lolitaIchan: Murderer*
UnknownAgent: Turns out a killer: is someone who kills in general... while a murderer: is someone that plans the killing beforehand
lolitaIchan: ohh that makes sense
UnknownAgent: Thank you for your contribution to this little experiment of mine tho
lolitaIchan: No problem! Stay safe <3
UnknownAgent: This may sound weird, but do you have discord or smth.. you seem like a really nice person.. if you wouldn't mind I'd like to get to know you better
lolitaIchan: Yeah, it's yandere.freak #0785
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