Engleza, întrebare adresată de Inteligentul007, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de raduoprea160

I.21.Mike said to me that he was going to a party that night

22.Chris asked Terry if he was busy at that moment.

23.The teacher said John to put his hand down

24.The police officer said to not move.

25.Gulian asked me to go for a walk with him.

26.Alison said the girl to give her box back

27.Barbara said that she booked a table at the restaurant

28.The old woman asked her why is she hiding

29.Lisa asked if we shall go out tonight

30.He begged them to let him go

II.31He complained that he is very ill

32.The woman who sold me the car was very helpful

33.She threatened she'll punish me if i misbehave again

34.London is the city where he was brought up.

35.She accused her sister of stealing her best dress

36.This is Michael whose parents run a hotel.

37.Mum reminded me to take my keys.

38.He can't swim which means he is scared of water

39.He said we should be going for a walk

40.This is the book that my friend wants to borrow.

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