Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionutgudac, 9 ani în urmă

Cate o propoziție cu cuv. fit,player,to score,to hit,goale,boat,team,pitch,crew,to break si traduse

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Desenatoare
I'm not very fit, i play a sport.=Nu sunt Grasa , fac sport
The player is very good at game.-Jucatorul e f bun
To score is 5-4
To hit down!
The team win with 1 goale
I go with a boat.
The team isn't good
Răspuns de Letitiasqn
These jeans don't fit me./He goes to the gym, he must be fit!
(Acesti pantaloni nu mi se potrivesc./ El merge la sala, trevuie sa fie in forma!)

That football player broke his leg during a match.
(Acest jucator de fotbal si-a rupt piciorul in timpul unui meci.)

They scored 4 goals, while the other team didn't score at all.
(Ei au facut 4 goluri, in timp ce cealalta echipa niciunul.)

By accident, he hit that guy's head with a ball.
(Din greseala, el l-a lovit in cap cu o minge pe acel tip.)

That is one more goal for our team!
(Inca un gol pentru echipa noastra!)

He has just bought a boat, he must be so rich!
(Tocmai si-a cumparat o barca, trebuie sa fie foarte bogat!)

This football team won the match yesterday.
(Aceasta echipa de fotbal a castigat meciul de ieri)

He got suspended after going on the football pitch, although he wasn't allowed.
(A fost suspendat dupa ce a mers pe terenul de fotbal desi nu ii era permis.)

When I was younger I took part in a dancing crew.
(Cand eram mai mic/a, am fost intr-o echipa de dans.)

I didn't break that glass!
(Nu am spart acel pahar!)

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