Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anytha, 9 ani în urmă

Cate o propoziție cu fiecare cuvânt:
fashionable,reluctant,imaginative,economical,independent,resistant,absent,creative,historia o,wooden,courageous,horrible,golden,prestigeous,careful,possible,

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de madalinamihalu
I am fashionable with new clothes.
Calvin is reluctant when it comeing homework.
Make an imaginative text of a page.
Maria is stronger than Flavia economical speaking.
Marco is independent to your telephone.
The telephone is resistant at wather.
Miriam is absent since three days.
Ivan is creative.
My grandfather build a house with wooden.
George is three courageous at sportiv concurence.
Your notebook is horrible.
The watches are golden and silver.
My waches is prestigeus.
The children is careful at your ticher.
It possible or not is possible that I forgoten my homeworks???
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