Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisamaria1popica, 10 ani în urmă

Ce inseamna: " You recently tried to buy an old camera on an Internet auction site, but had some problems. You want to tell a friend what happened. Write a letter to your friend, explaining what happened, what you did and giving your friend advice about buying things on auction sites.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Corina2442
Recent ai incercat sa cumperi o camera de fotografiat veche de pe un site de licitatii de pe Internet, dar ai intampinat niste probleme. Vrei sa ii spui unui prieten ce ti s-a intamplat. Scriei o scrisoare prietenului tau, explicandu-i ce s-a intamplat, ce ai facut si dandu-i sfatul tau prietenesc in legatura cu cumpararea lucrurilor de pe site-urile de licitatii.

denisamaria1popica: Am nevoie si de un eseu in legatura cu aceasta cerinta in engleza. 200-300 cuvinte
Corina2442: Adica rezolvarea acestei cerinte?
Corina2442: Hello, Margaret. I know I haven't written you in ages, but a lot of things have happened. Let me explain you. Remember how badly I wanted to buy my own vintage camera? Well, I found an auction site on the Internet. It seemed very popular among bidders and auctioneers, so I tought why not give it a try. I came across a post(cred ca exista un cuvant pentru asta, dar nu imi vine nimic in minte acum)made by a mid aged woman from California, which I contacted. I send her an e-mail asking her details
Corina2442: details such as price and payment. She told me where to send the money to. I did just as told, but I had a very unpleasant surprise finding out that my package I was waiting for was never going to arrive. Listen up, she replied to my e-mail telling me that another customer made her a better offer. I was so unimaginably annoyed. I didn't even bother to reply her. That woman both gave me hopes (that I'd finally achieve one of my burning desires: to own my very own vintage camera) and ruined
Corina2442: and wracked and ruined my wishes that I'd be able to join photography courses (cred ca asa se spune la cursuri de fotografie). Now, by telling you never to trust anyone from any auction sites, I'm giving you the friendliest piece of advice someone could ever give you. I miss you and I hope you'll write me soon.
denisamaria1popica: Sper ca sunt mai multe de 220 de cuvinte, multumesc frumos!
Corina2442: Sunt 244 caractere daca vrei sa sti exact. xD
denisamaria1popica: 244 fara ce ai pus in paranteza in romana sau cu? :))
Corina2442: ...am uitat si de alea :))
Corina2442: Lasa, mai adaugi tu cateva fraze.
Răspuns de jianudiana
tu ai incercat recent sa cumperi o camera veche de pe un site de licitatii de pe net,dar ai avut niste probleme.tu vrei sa-i spui unui prieten ce se intampla.scrie o scrisoare prietenului tau,sa-i explici ce se intampla,ce ai facut si sa iti dea un sfat prieteneste despre cumpararea lucrurilor de pe site-urilor de licitati
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